Jana Richards
Laugh. Cry. Love. Feel the Romance.
Be My Guest
I love having fellow writers guest on my blog. Include your cover art, blurb, excerpt, buy links, social media links and author photo (optional) with your post or interview. Please send any pictures as a separate jpeg rather than part of a media kit. All pictures must be the property of the author or they can't be used.
Please, no explicit excerpts - let's keep it PG! I reserve the right to edit posts for grammar or length.
Posts should be approximately 300-500 words, and excerpts should be around 300 words as well, but I can be a little flexible with length. If you need a specific date that isn't listed, contact me. I may be able to accommodate you. I need your completed post with all your items at least two weeks before your scheduled date to set up your post and create social media. Contact me if you have any questions.
Here are some suggestions for guest blogs, but I'm always interested to hear your ideas. To sign up go to www.SignUpGenius.com/go/30E0D48A5AD28A5FA7-guest:
Secondary Characters - Do your secondary characters shine? Do you love them almost as much as you love your main characters? Tell us about them!
Clothes Make the Character - Tell us about your character's clothes. What's different or special about them? What do the clothes tell us about the character? You can use an excerpt from your book to illustrate.
Recipes - Do your characters make a certain signature dish in your book? Is food important in some way to your story? Do you have a favorite recipe? Share it here!
Character Interviews - Interview one or more of your characters. Let's find out what they're really thinking about!
Amazing Stories - Want to tell us about your most embarrassing moment? Or maybe your character has an embarrassing moment you'd be more comfortable talking about. Have you ever had a brush with celebrity? Are you a traveler? Have you ever gone on a trip to research a location for a book? Tell us an amazing story.
Favorite Scenes - Share a favourite scene from one of your books and tell us why it's your favourite. How about a first kiss scene? Just keep it PG!
Book Spotlight - The spotlight is on your book! Show off your cover art, blurb and excerpt, along with buy links and your social media links. This can also serve as a Cover Reveal or Release Day Blitz.
Feature Guest Blog - Write about any subject that interests you, usually something related to your book.
Author Interview - I'd love to learn more about you. You can take your pick of several interview questions. When I get your request I'll send you a list of questions you can choose from.
Talk about your pets - I love animals, and I know many of you do, too. Here's your chance to show them off! You can also talk about pets that appear in your books. Pictures welcome, as long as you own them.
5 Things List - Make up a list. For instance:
- 5 things a reader needs to know about this novel or series.
- 5 things you need to know about hero or heroine (or both).
- 5 things you need to know about the setting, the secondary characters or any other aspect of the story.
- 5 things readers need to know about you, the writer!
Top Ten List - Your top ten list of anything, books movies, songs, TV shows, writers, whatever. You can also make this a top 5 list.
Quick 5 - Give me quick answers to 5 of these questions. You can expand your answer a little if you like by telling me why you answered the way you did:
- Favorite color?
- Favorite author?
- Beach vacation or sightseeing in the city?
- Coffee or tea?
- Water, pop or juice?
- Movies: romantic comedies, thriller, or horror? Got a different favorite?
- What's your favorite show to binge watch?
- Favorite song?
- Pie or cake? What kind?
- Bubble baths or steamy showers?
- Chocolate or caramel?
- What song would best describe your life?
- What's your secret guilty pleasure?
- Country life or city life?
- E-book, paperback or audiobook?
- Satin, cotton, jersey, flannel - what's your favorite kind of sheet?
- Party life or quiet dinner for two?
- I love pizza with (fill in the blank).
- I'm always ready for (fill in the blank).
- When I'm alone, I (fill in the blank).
Your choice - What would you like to blog about?
Sign up at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/30E0D48A5AD28A5FA7-guest.
See you soon!