I'm so happy to welcome back one of my favorite writers, Liz Flaherty. Liz is here to tell us about PIECES OF BLUE, her newest release. Welcome, Liz!

Friendship and Pieces of Blue
Thanks for having me here today, Jana. Doing my new-book swing around to other writers’ blogs to say Look at me! makes me think about friendship, and all the different types of it. Best friends, work friends, church friends, writer friends, cyber-friends—just to name some of them. But they’re all important to us, aren’t they? If we’re lucky, our lives are pretty full of them.
However, my intent, once I got rolling on Pieces of Blue, was to write Maggie’s story. Just that. She’s a natural-born loner, so maybe just this once, I could keep the character count in a book at a manageable level. Lots of others writers do it; surely I could, too.
But everyone—at least everyone who makes herself at home in my keyboard—needs a best friend, so we met Ellie Wentz, a nurse practitioner whose been Maggie’s “ride or die” since they were in second grade. Then, when Maggie was walking around the lake, she stopped to look at the pristine little church and, before she kept walking, she met its pastor. Young Cari Newland went to culinary school and ended up in the pulpit—go figure.
Then there’s Sam, who’s Maggie’s lawyer friend. Who suddenly gives her frissons. She’s a writer; she really likes the word frisson. When he appeared to me, he looked like Mark Harmon in his 50s, but to Maggie, he just looks like Sam. And he gives her frissons.
I hope you love Maggie’s story as much as I do, and…hey…if you get a frisson or two along the way, all the better.
For all of her adult life, loner Maggie North has worked for bestselling author Trilby Winterroad, first as his typist, then as his assistant, and finally as his ghost writer. Throughout her first marriage, widowhood, remarriage, and divorce from an abusive husband, Trilby was the constant in her life.
When he dies, she inherits not only his dachshund, Chloe, but a house she didn’t know existed on a lake she’d never heard of. On her first visit, she falls in love with both the house and the lake. Within a few weeks, she’s met most of the 85 inhabitants of Harper Loch and surprisingly, become a part of the tiny community. Her life expands as does a new kind of relationship with her friend Sam Eldridge. She finally feels not only at home, but safe.
Until her ex-husband is released from prison. The fragile threads of her new life begin to fray, and that feeling of safety is about to shatter into a thousand pieces.
Buy Link: https://books2read.com/FlahertyBlue

Excerpt, speaking of frissons…
I think I’m more all right than I’ve been in years, which I feel bad thinking so close to the time of Trilby’s dying, but I also know about honeymoon periods. I understand that I’m enthralled by the newness of the Burl specifically and Harper Loch in general, but I would tire of the smallness soon enough if I stayed. I’d mind having to drive a half hour to find the ingredients I want for a recipe that falls outside the norm of rural central Michigan. I’d miss Muskegon’s library and its parks and going to the Black Dog with Ellie. I’d miss Ellie, too, and Sam.
I had to admit, though, that it was fun seeing them here. I’d loved discovering Placer with Ellie, and Sam fit into this house as if he belonged here.
Maybe he did.
“So, tell me about the Burl,” I requested. “My mind’s been busy enough that it’s kept my curiosity on the back burner. But you know this house, the lake, some of the people here. How is it that in all the years we’ve known each other, you’ve never mentioned Harper Loch?”
“We’ve known each other, but only in relation to Trilby. You were his assistant, I was his lawyer, and we both loved him. Although you and I saw each other enough that we became friends, we leaned more toward just being acquaintances. Sometimes it was strictly professional, too. I was your lawyer. You helped my office staff sometimes if they were swamped.”
I was unexpectedly hurt by being thought of as a mere acquaintance, but he was right. I frowned at him. “You’re not answering my question.” Realizing I sounded grumpy and he couldn’t possibly know why, I stretched my hand across the table. “Hello. My name’s Maggie North. I’d like to be friends.”
When he took my hand, I understood what I’d read in romance novels about frissons—isn’t that a cool word?—of feeling going right up my arm. I’d read a few where that particular shudder of feeling was an open invitation into bed. That wasn’t happening, but still…a frisson is a frisson and I was going to enjoy it. And remember it.

Liz Flaherty has spent the past several years enjoying not working a day job, making terrible crafts, and writing stories in which the people aren’t young, brilliant, or even beautiful. She’s decided (and has to re-decide most every day) that the definition of success is having a good time. Along with her husband of lo, these many years, kids, grands, friends, and the occasional cat, she’s doing just that.
She’d love to hear from you at lizkflaherty@gmail.com or please come and see her at https://linktr.ee/LizFlaherty
Can't wait for this one to release! Happy and excited for you, Liz! Hugs!
Thanks for being my guest today, Liz!
I always love your characters. They are very real and easy to relate to. Congratulations!
Thanks for having me here today, Jana. I love your website, BTW.