Happy Book Hooks Wednesday! Today I'm featuring an excerpt from my small town contemporary romance FIRST AND AGAIN. Life is not a bowl of cherries for Bridget right now. She was forced to move back to her hometown in North Dakota when her business and her marriage both failed. But her teenage daughter Rebecca doesn't understand why her life had to change so drastically, and she's deeply unhappy. Bridget struggles to convince Rebecca to get ready for her first day at her new school:

“Why couldn’t I have stayed in San Francisco with Daddy?”
Because he didn’t want you. “Your dad doesn’t have room for you at his place.”
“It’s not fair.”
“No, it’s not. Come on,” she said wearily. “It’s time to get ready for school.”
“No!” Rebecca jumped out of bed with more energy than she'd seen from her in days. “I want to go back to my house in San Francisco, and my old school, and my riding lessons. Why did you get rid of everything? I want my old life back!”
Exasperation brought Bridget to her feet. “I didn’t sell the house, Rebecca, the bank repossessed it. And that fancy private school of yours wouldn’t give us any more extensions on the tuition. They threw you out. The same with the riding lessons. I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but we have no money. Zip. Nada. We’re lucky Grandma Mavis offered to take us in and give me a job. I know you’re not happy and that things haven’t turned out the way you wanted them to, but my life hasn’t exactly been a bowl of cherries either.”
She stopped abruptly, angry at herself for taking her frustration out on her daughter. Rebecca was a child; it was her job to worry about finances, not her daughter’s.

Bridget Grant is back in Paradise. Paradise, North Dakota, that is.
She’s swallowed her pride and moved back to her hometown with her daughter after her divorce and the loss of her catering company. Now she’s trying to navigate the strained relationships she’d left behind – including her first love, Jack Davison.
Jack never forgot Bridget, or the day she left town – and him. When Bridget caters a lunch at Jack’s tourist ranch, old flames reignite. They have more in common than ever – Jack’s also a single parent. Though they both try to keep things casual, Bridget, Jack and their girls are starting to look a lot like a family.
But Bridget’s only planning to stay in Paradise until she’s saved enough to relaunch her business. Jack’s invested too much in his ranch to leave. And with their daughters involved both have a lot more at stake than heartbreak. How can they risk falling in love?
Universal Buy Link: https://books2read.com/First-and-Again
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Hi again,
I keep forgetting to put my username and email. The comment with guest is me, Pat Garcia. Sorry about that.
Shalom shalom
I remember this story from the last time you posted a snippet. It drew me in immediately. Mom and daughter fighting after the mom has lost everything and had to downgrade their lives is well depicted in the fight with her daughter.
Great job.
Shalom shalom
Oh my, that snippet rings so true of a frazzled mother dealing with a young daughter. Well done.
Being a mom is so tough. We try to be perfect & are so hard on ourselves when we slip up. Bridget, I hope you don't beat yourself up too much!
I feel her pain - both of them!