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#MFRWhooks - THERE GOES THE GROOM - That same old feeling

In this excerpt from THERE GOES THE GROOM, book 2 in the Left at the Altar series, Tony realizes that the feelings he had for Olivia eight years ago haven't gone away. He just hasn't let himself think about them for a very long time.

Red roses and white pearls
Book Hooks


Eight years ago Tony left Olivia at the altar. He was sure she didn't really want to marry him. Now he's back, and they're forced to work together.

Coming home isn't easy for Tony. The choices he’s made with his career and his life have resulted in an uncomfortable relationship with his father. Even before Tony's return, Olivia began questioning the depth of her love for her fiancé, a man she chose because he was safe and reliable. The last thing she wants is a faithless marriage like the one her parents suffered through.

When Tony, who never stopped loving her, insists her fiancé is the wrong man for her, Olivia sets out to prove him wrong. But the sexual chemistry between them is still strong, and so are her feelings for him. Even so, how can she break her engagement, hurt her fiancé as she was once hurt? And how can she trust Tony not to abandon her like he did before?

A bride in a white dress looking dejected


Liv kicked off her shoes and followed him into the kitchen, weaving a bit as she did so. She climbed awkwardly onto one of stools next to the island. "Don't tell anybody, but I think I drank too much." She brought her finger to her lips and made a shh sound.

Tony grinned. "Don't worry. It'll be our secret."

"That's good. Stuart wouldn't like that I got drunk. He's pretty strait-laced, you know."

The mention of her fiancé’s name had his jaw clenching again. This time he couldn't keep quiet. "Do you love him, Liv? Do you really want to marry him?"

She just smiled. "I want to get married."

"How do you know he's the right one for you? He didn't even remember your birthday. What's he going to forget next, your name?"

"That's funny." Her laugh was a little trembly. She slid sideways on her stool and nearly fell off before grabbing onto the counter and managing to right herself. "Maybe he will forget my name." Her smile suddenly disappeared, and she sat staring at him, looking completely vulnerable.

"That was a stupid thing for me to say, Liv. Of course he won't forget your name. I'm sorry."

She waved off his apology. "S'okay," she slurred. "Perfectly understandable. You forgot me, so why shouldn't Stuart? I guess I'm not the kind of woman men want to remember."

He felt like a stake had been driven through his heart. "Liv--"

"S'okay. I understand. There's just something about me that's unlovable, I guess." She folded her arms on the counter and laid down her head.

Her words hit him hard in the gut. He'd known eight years ago that he'd hurt her, but until this moment he hadn't understood the depth of her pain. He wanted to explain how he'd felt eight years ago, why he hadn't gone through with the wedding. But Liv was in no condition for explanations right now.

A powerful emotion welled in his chest, making his voice choke in his throat and his heart pound in his chest. He laid his hand on her dark, silky hair and gently stroked. "You're wrong, Liv," he said softly. "You're the most lovable person I know."

With those words a door opened in his heart, and for the first time in eight years he dared to look inside.

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2 commenti

18 set 2024

This seems like a great series, Jana. Perfect pitch dialogue.

Mi piace

18 set 2024

Love this line - dared to look inside.

Mi piace
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