TO HEAL A HEART is book 2 in my Masonville small town romance series. In this scene Blair learns the truth about Garrett.

“Okay, what would you like to do? In your heart of hearts, what would you really like to do with your life?”
He was slow in responding. For a long time, he pushed gravel around with his rake, until Blair thought he wasn’t going to answer her question. With a sigh, she started working again, almost missing his soft-spoken words.
“I always thought after my military career was over, I’d come back to civilian life and begin a career in policing or firefighting.”
“Those both sound like good options. So why haven’t you applied to some police forces or fire departments?”
The anger in his eyes took her breath away. “Are you deliberately trying to be cruel?”
Blair stepped back, shocked by his words. “No, of course not! What are you talking about?”
“I’m not exactly a prime candidate for either the police force or the fire department.”
“Why would you say that?” Was he worried about his drinking as well? Did he think he’d be unable to handle the rigors of policing or firefighting because of it?
He tilted his head. “You don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?”
He bent at the waist and rolled up his right pant leg till it was above his knee, revealing a device made of metal and plastic where flesh and bone should have been. He rose to his full height and looked her straight in the eye, as if daring her to pity him.
“As you can see, I’d have a tough time acing the physical.”
Blair wanted to cry. She wanted to run into Garrett’s arms and hold him forever, to make all the hurt go away. She wanted to scream and yell and rail against war and all the stupidity and intolerance in the world.
But Garrett wouldn’t appreciate her tears, and crying wouldn’t solve anything.
So, she sucked them back and raised her gaze to his, willing her chin not to tremble.
“I hope you’re not going to use your leg, or lack thereof, as an excuse to get out of work. There’s still plenty to be done here.”
He rolled his pant leg over his prosthesis once more, straightened and grinned at her.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Somehow Blair managed to smile back at him. “Good answer.”
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